What a weekend!
The inaugural Uniting Church National History Conference was held over the June long weekend. It was a great weekend of learning and listening, and getting to know one another.
The conference was also the occasion where National Assembly President Stuart McMillan launched the Uniting Church in Australia National History Society, and the first meeting of the Society was held as part of the conference on Monday morning.
More details about the national society will be shared when they become available.
Conference Registrations – still open
Registrations for the National History conference are still open. Get your registration in this week.
The registration form (including payment instructions) and program can be found here.
Extended Call for Papers
Great news for those still thinking about a paper for the conference. The deadline for the Call for Papers has been extended until 28 February, 2017. Details of where to submit your abstract can be found here
Registration and Program
Registrations for the conference are now open. The registration form (including payment instructions) and program can be found here.
Don’t forget, the Call for Papers is still open. We look forward to receiving your Abstract
Call for Papers
The Call for Papers for the conference next year is now available. You can read the details here
A New Future for History in the UCA
The Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia has decided to establish a National Historical Society. This is good news for the UCA and for the cause of history! Those of us already engaged, through state UCA Historical Societies, through the teaching of religious/church history or through regional or local church history groups and programs, welcome this move and look forward to what it will contribute to the important processes of understanding, recording, debating and celebrating our history and allowing that history to inform our future journey as a pilgrim people on the way.
To formally launch the new national society, and also to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the UCA (not to mention the five hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation!) a conference is being planned for 9-12 June 2017 (the Queen’s birthday long weekend). The conference will be held at Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide, starting at 5.00pm on Friday 9 June and finishing by 12noon, Monday 12 June. It will feature a mix of
- major contributions from specially invited keynote speakers and panel discussants
- short papers presented by conference participants (who will be academics, non–academics, local historians, archivists, former missionaries, members of UAICC, clergy, laity – in fact anyone interested in and engaged with UCA history)
- workshops and field visits
- plenty of opportunities for networking and conviviality.
Please plan to come. Save the date and start planning your paper or workshop. Expect to see further information and a conference registration brochure via your usual UCA communication channels soon.
Questions? Please contact
Leanne Davis, Admin. Officer, UC Historical Society SA admin@historicalsociety.unitingchurch.org.au OR
Dr Judith Raftery, Chair, Conference Organising Committee: judith.raftery@adelaide.edu.au