Monthly Archives: December 2017

Looking back… 80 years ago – Payneham Road Church

From ‘The Australian Christian Commonwealth‘ – 17 December 1937…

80 years ago a new window was installed in the Payneham Road Church (now Payneham Road Uniting Church), recognising the role of women in the church.

The full article can be read at

Looking back… 100 years ago – keeping cool in a SA summer

newspaper text - keeping coolnewspaper text - keeping cool

From ‘The Australian Christian Commonwealth’ – 7 December 1917…

One hundred years ago last week, the paper published advice on how to keep cool in hot weather. The article provided some interesting advice on how to keep cool – including bathing as often as possible (at least twice a day), and wearing “just as little as the law allows” (which made me think that the law has probably changed, or at least society’s ideas of what might be considered ‘decent’ or not 🙂 )

You can read the full article at
With very hot weather in Adelaide today (13/12 – predicted 38degC) I thought this was more appropriate to share than last week when the temperature here was only in the mid 20s